A Glimpse into the Unknown
"The Magician and the Two of Cups. The two cards danced in front of me... My hand
reached out. And in the darkness I rolled a set of dice. Two."
Journey Across Time and Space
From the picturesque vistas of Tuscany to the ethereal beaches of Florida, traverse through Oregon's verdant hills to South Australia's treacherous terrains. With every step, Porzia grapples with the blurred lines of love and destiny, mortal fear and divine
Love Reincarnated?
As fate intertwines Porzia with the enigmatic off-road racer, Gabe Miller, sparks
fly and passion ignites. Is he the soul mate from her past life? Or is there more to Gabe's mysteries than meets the eye?
"After a past life regression introduces a distant soul mate, revealing a love so
intense it has resisted the tarnishing of time..." "Gabe’s elusive past and a private promise which he is unable to reveal complicate matters."